my best big brothers tatto

my best big brothers tatto
im kool cuz i have two tattos

the yes comapny group of alladdin

the yes comapny group of alladdin
we are the best actors in the world

my other best cousin kaileys sister ashlyn

my other best cousin kaileys sister ashlyn
im cam cams cousin

my best cousin kailey nieve

my best cousin kailey nieve
yo yo yo wats up jo
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my family at yosemite

my family at yosemite
devon,cody.max,and me

my real dad at my nanas house with me

my real dad at my nanas house with me
im wierd

my cousin kailey

my cousin kailey
im wierd

my brother devon and his friend curtis at a football game

my brother devon and his friend curtis at a football game
wat r u lookin at freak

my brother devon in his wrestling suit

my brother devon in his wrestling suit
im a geek

my favorite songs

my brother maxwell lee thomas

my brother maxwell lee thomas
im coocoo

waterfall at yosemite

waterfall at yosemite
its awesome

the wedding

the wedding

my step dad dennis and my step brother maxwell lee thomas

my step dad dennis and my step brother maxwell lee thomas

max at the wedding being wierd

max at the wedding being wierd

my mom and my step dad gettin married

my mom and my step dad gettin married
yup yup

the awesome owner of this awesome website

the awesome owner of this awesome website
my blog is better

my family at my moms wedding

my family at my moms wedding
aunt uncles and cousins

my baby puppy bailey

my baby puppy bailey
she is the best dog in the whole entire world